Friday, March 21, 2008

Jack, Jack, Jack: Loads of Personality

Jack and Mrs. Jasmina

Jack and Ms. Shannen

Jack is getting to be less of an infant, and more of a toddler-to-be.
To that end, he is moving on up in the insect/daycare world,
and has left the Butterflies class for the Dragonflies class.
He will surely miss Mrs. Jasmina and Ms. Shannen.

Enjoying a bedtime story with Grandpa Hunt...

and peeing (a lot) on Dad's shirt.

Trying to pull up to stand in the bath!
He hasn't accomplished this yet, thank God.

He is very mobile and difficult to catch for scrubbing.

7 months and old during the monthly photo session with Teddy.
This photo doesn't depict Jack trying to eat Teddy, smack Teddy,
throw Teddy and ride Teddy like the ones we decided not to post...
Ha Ha, not kidding.

Finally, here's a video with Mom as director/narrator
and Jack as usual is the center of attention.
Aunt Emily faithfully feeds the boy,
despite his best efforts to spend dinner time playing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is just too cute. It is great being able to see him grow even tough it is mostly through pics and your videos. We will get all or our little ones together someday!!!