Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Odds and Ends...

Thank God it's finally sweater vest weather!
Unseen in the picture, Dad also is sporting a sweater vest
for church on Sunday.
We were like a little family of sweater vest triplets.

As you can see, Jack is particularly excited to be wearing his sweater vest.

The routine of parents and toddlers everywhere.
Take your medicine boy!

Fun high jinks are usually the order of the day at our house!
This was last Saturday morning with Mom and Jack playing by the doggie door.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

That's great! Jack is the cutest thing... I LOVE the sweater vest. Can't wait to see you guys and catch up over the holidays! Leslie, I enjoyed lunch today. I can honestly say, that was the best hospital cafeteria lunch I have ever had!!! Love you guys