Monday, September 14, 2009

Short Stories

So tonight, Jack and I were eating dinner and the phone rang... I said, "Who is it?" and he says with anticipation..."Emmie?"

Later during dinner, Jack finished eating his oranges and they left a little puddle of juice on his plate. He picked up the plate, spilling all the juice onto the table, of course. So I say, "Jack we don't do that." with a serious look on my face. Then he smacks his left hand down right in the juice! I grabbed his hand with a smile and admonished him to not do that again, but before I could blink my eyes... smack! Down came the right hand with a big grin! Man o man, he is fun!

1 comment:

est. Prints ~ Photography by Emily Laymon said...

I love this kid! Soon he must learn my number so he can call Aunt Emmie himself!