Thursday, April 16, 2009

Time Marches On

We're settled in our temp house here in Brainerd, and life has finally slowed down a bit. Don't worry though...even though I haven't updated the blog in a long while, high-jinks have still been occurring in the Turner household. The pictures below are of Jack in the bath, wearing his 'hat.'

We had a great time during Easter this year. Jack wore a great outfit that his Grammie and Grandpa bought for him. We dyed eggs, had a huge meal, and generally had a great time visiting and playing.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

He is destined for the camera!! He even has the slight head turn down. You can tell this child has had a picture of two hundred taken of him during his short little life. He is ADORABLE! Glad things have slowed down for you guys and you are settled. I know you are SO excited about your new house. In the words of Sean's truck, TBIYTC! Love you all!